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How to build Stream-2-Stream

Eclipse IDE Instructions

  1. Unzip the source code to a preferred directory.
  2. Launch eclipse and create a new project from an existing source.
  3. Browse and select the source directory.
  4. Press next
  5. Check allow output folders for source folders
  6. Add "/bin" to the default output folder
Now you can run and modify the code. To export to a jar do the following:
  1. Go to file->export
  2. Select jar file, click next
  3. Uncheck the lib directory, changelog.txt, readme.txt, ClientSettings.xml(if present), ServerSettings.xml(if present), Client.jar, Server.jar, Monitor.jar
  4. Name the jar "s2s.jar", it MUST have this name. Place the jar in the /lib directory
  5. Press Next, Press Next
  6. Do not select a main class
  7. Click Finish
  8. Place the new /lib directory in an empty directory
  9. Place the included Client.jar, Server.jar, and Monitor.jar JARs in the empty directory
  10. You're done! Double-click on the client or server to run.
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