Stream~2~Stream: Next Generation Streaming
How to build Stream-2-Stream
Eclipse IDE Instructions
- Unzip the source code to a preferred directory.
- Launch eclipse and create a new project from an existing source.
- Browse and select the source directory.
- Press next
- Check allow output folders for source folders
- Add "/bin" to the default output folder
Now you can run and modify the code.
To export to a jar do the following:
- Go to file->export
- Select jar file, click next
- Uncheck the lib directory, changelog.txt, readme.txt, ClientSettings.xml(if present),
ServerSettings.xml(if present), Client.jar, Server.jar, Monitor.jar
- Name the jar "s2s.jar", it MUST have this name. Place the jar in the /lib directory
- Press Next, Press Next
- Do not select a main class
- Click Finish
- Place the new /lib directory in an empty directory
- Place the included Client.jar, Server.jar, and Monitor.jar JARs in the empty directory
- You're done! Double-click on the client or server to run.